
I'm going on an adventure...


It only took 3 suitcases, 2 boxes and a lot of goodbyes but I made it! All summer, moving to Uni seemed like it wasn’t really going to happen so I never gave it much thought. Then it crept up and bit me... “SURPRISE!”  I was very settled with my job, my friends and my boyfriend so messing all that up to move to a different country didn’t make sense...
 I took a long way around to get into this course. I have recently just finished a 2 year LONG diploma in Business which was not something I had anticipated in my life plan and for an overly organised person that does not sit well!  So to give up all that extra work and my keen interest in fashion didn’t make any sense either - Confused doesn’t even cover it!

D- Day arrived and I packed up my things and headed off to Aberdeen. Emotions had been running high all week with the pressure from packing and also leaving my loved ones. The nerves started to set in as I got closer to the airport and not just because I am an anxious flier! This would be the first time I stepped foot in Aberdeen so I had no idea where I was going or who I was going to meet. My first encounter was a lovely taxi man who empathised with me because he has two daughters that were away to university and he thought I was very brave to take off on my own. The conversation settled me before landing at Woolmanhill where I gathered my things from the car, said thanks to the nice taxi man -who didn’t charge me the full fair- and got ready to start my new life.

Now after 4 weeks of living in Aberdeen I am finally settled and so happy with the decision I made to come here. I was throwing myself completely out of my comfort zone but for all the right reasons. I have gotten to know my way around the city, made friends and found a part time job (FINALLY!) so I feel there can only be more positives to come from this adventure!

First & Second Pictures:

Sunglasses: Urban Outfitters
Top: Primark
Jeans: Topshop
Belt: New Look
Shoes: Adidas Superstars

Third Picture

Jumper: New Look
Trousers: Topshop
Coat: Topshop
Scarf: New Look
Shoes: River Island

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