
Embrace Your Braces


Having braces is like the wrong rite of passage that many people experience. Some people get them at early teens or later on in life. I first got my braces on when I was 19 and I am still currently plagued with them. No matter how many times I hear the reassurance of “it will be worth it in the end” it does not help my current situation...
I have been wearing my braces now for almost a year now and have slowly (very slowly!) accepted their presence each time I look in the mirror or smile for a photograph. I have now become a lot more appreciative of being able to eat the foods that I want. With braces you need to start taking into consideration what foods will/will not get stuck in your brackets… Not really the first question you want to have to answer when looking at a delicious menu!

I find that seeded bread has to be the worst, although bread itself does not favour those with braces the seeds are a nightmare! They get lost and stuck in the smallest of gaps and are nearly impossible to get out even when you aggressively brush them a million times! You just have to wait it out and eventually they will budge.

I had to have 3 teeth removed, so not only did I have to wear the eye catching train tracks but I had massive gaps in my teeth too ( attractive I know!). To close these gaps I had to wear the dreaded elastics! Like Hansel and Gretel leaving a trail of breadcrumbs I began to leave a trail of elastics behind me especially when I was staying in my friends’ houses! Safe to say they weren’t too impressed!!
Going from being a big grinner to looking like someone in serious pain is not a good look! Subconsciously I started to wear less colour on my lips to take attention away from my mouth and braces. I now wear subtle colours such as different shades of nude or light colours such as mauve.

Even with all their inconveniences, the outcome of wearing braces overshadows the negatives. Having straight teeth will be amazing and I’m glad that I got them when I was a bit older because I will really appreciate having them and will look after them so well. From looking at celebrities such as Tom Cruise and Miley Cyrus it is clear the difference what having braces can do for your smile.

I’m hoping to get them off in the next few months and that will really give me a reason to smile!

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