
Strike a Pose


In one of my modules at university we are required to design a magazine. As a collective group we are to submit a variety of pieces that will be judged by our tutor. In some way we are all competing against each other (All friendly of course!) for a place in the magazine.
One of the tasks we were to carry out was to plan and carry out a photo shoot. I was really eager and excited but at the same time so nervous because this was something I had no experience with but really wanted to get stuck in!

The theme we were given was identity which is extremely broad, it can be an advantage to have such a wide range so that none of our ideas will be the same, but then also a disadvantage because it was so hard to pinpoint an exact theme.

My friend Chris and I grouped together on the project and must have discussed what seemed like thousands of ideas until we narrowed it down to a few which were quite wayward and dark (Uplifting I know!). We researched images and fell in love with gas mask shots and how they were incorporated into fashion photography. It was decided that the mask would then be used as the basis of our shoot and from this we began to build certain looks and poses from images that inspired us.

This was the biggest relief once the idea had been confirmed because until that point it felt that everything was up in the air and we would never get anything finalised! Our model was our drop dead gorgeous (As you can clearly tell from the pictures!) classmate Catherine and our photographer was my housemate Zvezdelina (Zizi) who was absolutely fabulous and made life so much easier for Chris and I!

The two worked so amazingly together and the shoot went much better than either of us could have imagined. It was everyone’s first time being in that type of setting or role so to pull it off as successfully as we did was such a dream! I’m excited now for the next few weeks when I will be editing the photos and arranging them into a spread that hopefully gets into the magazine!

Here are a few taster photos from the shoot!     


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