
How to Spruce up your Student Cell


The transition from a cosy comfy bedroom to a dark drab student cell can take time to adapt to. At first, my room was so bare and uninspiring that I thought I’d never be able to settle in it, but with the introduction of a few personal pieces and an injection of colour and quirks it is now my own little sanctuary that I love!
To spruce up a small space doesn’t need to break the bank. A few homely touches and a couple of statement pieces help to give the room character and to put your own stamp on things.

I have a few favourite features that I believe help to personalise a student room. The first are my fairy lights that I have strung above my window. These lights help to create a much more relaxed atmosphere in the room rather than the harsh glare from the lights on the ceiling.
Now that we’re into the colder months I love nothing more than curling up in a cosy blanket. Not only can it be used for comfort and warmth but also as a way of adding colour to my room. It’s a simple and (of course) practical way of breaking up the dark flooring and lightly coloured walls.

Storage can be another great way of injecting colour and character to a room. I struggle to store and organise all my bits and pieces so I purchased some lovely little storage boxes for my makeup and other beauty products. I see it as a way of creatively hiding my messy everyday items!

Photos of family and friends can double as decorations as well as special keepsakes. I love glancing at these when I’m daydreaming around my room or when I feel a bit homesick because they make me smile and I feel instantly better.

Things I brought from home such as Minnie (who I could not leave in Ireland!), my dream catcher and a few hanging ornaments helped to make my room feel more familiar rather than foreign. It was a way that I could bring a piece of home away with me. 

Storage box
Make up holder
Make up brush holder
Soap dispenser
All purchased in TK Maxx

Duvet cover
Cotten pad holder
Weaved container
Toothbrush holder
Fairy lights
All purchased at Primark (Penneys)

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