
Did Someone say Coffee?

 For me, coffee is not just a hot beverage to keep you awake throughout the day. It is a way of socialising and getting together with friends you see every day or friends you haven't seen in a while. It brings people together and can be used as a form of escapism where you can temporarily remove yourself from daily life to sit...

Make Mine Metallic...

This season it’s hard to walk into a clothing retailer and not have your eyes dazzled by the different sparkles and shines from a range of metallic apparel. With window and indoor displays made up of metallic merchandise it’s quite hard to miss! It is by no means a secret that the majority of women have a weakness for things that glitter and...

Strike a Pose

In one of my modules at university we are required to design a magazine. As a collective group we are to submit a variety of pieces that will be judged by our tutor. In some way we are all competing against each other (All friendly of course!) for a place in the magazine. One of the tasks we were to carry out was...

How to Spruce up your Student Cell

The transition from a cosy comfy bedroom to a dark drab student cell can take time to adapt to. At first, my room was so bare and uninspiring that I thought I’d never be able to settle in it, but with the introduction of a few personal pieces and an injection of colour and quirks it is now my own little sanctuary that...

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